Utopia Landscapes
7 Projects Found


Masterplanning: Depicting our Vision

A "master plan" is an explanatory model of development for large and medium scale investments. The aim of a "master plan" is to depict the general design philosophy adopted for a specific project, i.e. our broader vision for it, to plot the proposed subspaces and to define their character and uses. This holistic approach to landscape design allows an accurate assessment of all financial, social and environmental parameters of a project, i.e. a solid understanding of its full potential and of the implications of possible limiting factors.

In technical terms, a "master plan" comprises a general arrangement plan, three-dimensional images and an accompanying report setting out the stages of the development and implementation of the project. It is on this basis that a project’s budget and the sequencing of on-the-ground works are then drafted.

Our office is especially active in the development of "master plans", with local authorities, construction companies as well as private agents all included in its clientele.


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Makedonias Square
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Carylou Square