Utopia Landscapes

Green Roofs of the Sparta Prefecture

Sparta, Lakonia
Public Sector
Completed Design Work
4900 m2

Two distinct approaches were adopted for this project: one for the roofgardens and another for the atrium. The roofgardens were designed to look as it a lush green carpet of varying hues and textures had just been unraveled. All views towards Mount Taygetos, the countryside and the city of Sparta itself have been maintained. The atrium, a space formed between the two main buildings of the prefecture was designed like an internal plaza, a space intended to function both as a meeting area and as a secluded refuge. 

01. Artistic
02. Photograph
03. Artistic
04. 3D Rendering
05. 3D Rendering
06. Photograph
07. Artistic
08. 3D Rendering
09. Photograph
10. 3D Rendering
11. 3D Rendering
12. 3D Rendering
13. 3D Rendering
14. Plan
15. 3D Rendering
16. 3D Rendering
17. 3D Rendering
18. 3D Rendering
19. 3D Rendering
20. Photograph
21. Artistic
22. 3D Rendering
23. 3D Rendering
24. 3D Rendering
25. 3D Rendering